Revisiting my most important influences on how I have become the person I am today has been a priceless experience. This family migration study has enlightened me to the value I should have been placing on the guidance, patiences, and commitment my grandmothers and parents have given me over the years. I see now, after considerable exploration, that I have neglected to offer praise for these wonderful things and will no longer do so. I set up a tea party installation, inviting my parents and both of my grandmothers in honor of their efforts invested in me. I have done my best with what I have to show each of these people how much I care for and respect them. Click here to see the ISSUU publication of the entire installation.
The treasurer of the Rapids Theatre Restoration Board, Norma Jansma, called me today asking for my help in getting the Rapids Theatre on the State Register of Historic Places.
In my original report I stated that the committee was trying to get on the National Register of Historic Places, which Jansma claimed may still be accurate. Now, however, the board would like my assistance in applying for the State Register. I will begin my work on this new project as soon as the board verifies accuracy of my initial case study research. Once this research is approved by the board, I will use it in the State Register application process. Thank you Rapids Theater committee. I am honored to do what I can to help this long-time treasure be restored and remembered by many. |
Taho-COO Hoppe Roofing Inc Archives
October 2020